
SELF-REGENERATION: Self healing ability of the human body

SELF-REGENERATION: Self healing ability of the human body

Flora regenerates itself by producing seeds and nuclei from which new plants arise. Fauna regenerates itself by producing new offspring. Humanity regenerates itself by producing children. Water regenerates itself through a process called the hydrological cycle, which, in short, is composed of evaporation and precipitation. The self-regeneration of flora, fauna, humans and water is virtually perpetual. Birds, snakes, many insects and animals that molt, also called Ecdysozoa, regenerate their skin in a process called molting or moulting. The human body regenerates itself. The body's regeneration process is demonstrated by the fact that a wound, for example in the form of a scratch, heals by itself. Regeneration within a single specimen of a species is not unlimited.

One principle of nature is regeneration. The principle of regeneration exists everywhere in nature. The human body is infinite in complexity, which means that the principle of regeneration is certainly present in it. Nature contains the most advanced technology in the universe. The human body is indeed a perfect mechanism. Human beings will never succeed in developing a technology more advanced than that of nature. They will never succeed in creating a robot more advanced than man, nor in improving man technologically. Humans cannot be improved by genetic, chemical or other methods. The human body cannot be cured by the treatments of conventional medicine. Conventional medicine can only harm the human body, but it will never be able to improve it. The human body can only be healed through self-healing which occurs through regeneration.

Trying to improve the human body is the equivalent of trying to teach a fully grown and perfectly healthy eagle to fly better than it flies. This attempt is doomed to failure.

Scholastic medicine has no scientific definition either for the term health or for that of disease. Nevertheless, it is the one that makes diagnoses that suggest to the patient that he has a disease. Disease in this context is referred to as an abnormal condition that affects the structures and functions of all parts of the body or only one part of the body. Most often, conventional medicine suggests to the patient that the disease is not curable but could be treated, so the patient is considered to be in a permanent state of disease that produces revenue and profits for the pharmaceutical-medical industry. The pharmaceutical-medical industry can only make profit from diseases, but not from people's health. In order to make the highest possible profits, it must invent and create diseases. The majority of diseases are those invented and those caused by this industry, also called iatrogenic diseases. The other diseases are caused by the faulty functioning of today's society.

Mental illnesses arise from the following main causes: living in an unloving society, rote learning and believing in pseudo-scientific theories, stress and anxiety. Physical diseases have the following main causes: environmental pollution, genetically modified food containing toxins, unnatural food, dubious treatments of scholastic medicine, and radiation. In a society where people live naturally, everyone is healthy.

There is no disease in the sense suggested by scholastic medicine. The symptoms of the so-called disease are actually reactions of the body to bring its characteristics back to optimal parameters. In other words, these symptoms are in fact due to the regeneration of the body. In the following I will give you an example. The most common human disease is the common cold. Scholastic medicine makes the erroneous assumption that colds are caused by viruses. Colds are not caused by viruses, but by the cooling of the body, especially by the cooling of the water in the human body. During a cold, the human body produces the following symptoms: rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, sore throat, red and watery eyes, sneezing, coughing, fever, headache, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, weakness and lethargy, loss of appetite, nausea and even vomiting. These symptoms are actually the body's way of returning to a normal temperature between 36.1 and 37 degrees Celsius.

Let's take the symptom of fever, for example! Fever occurs when the body temperature is above 37.2 or 38.3 degrees Celsius. Normally, fever does not rise above 41 degrees Celsius. Scholastic medicine wrongly assumes that fever is caused by some disease. Fever is not caused by any disease, but is a method of restoring normal body temperature. The body begins to heat up slightly above the normal limit to bring the temperature of the water inside it back to a normal temperature. Now take the symptoms of loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting. When food is in the stomach, the body needs vital energy to process that food.

When you have a cold, the main thing is to bring the body back to normal temperature. The body wants to put all its energy into bringing the temperature back to normal. That is why the body produces the symptom of loss of appetite, so that the person with a cold stops eating, because when he eats, the body has to invest vital energy in processing the food, which means that he has no energy to warm up. For this reason, symptoms such as nausea and vomiting also occur. When there is food in the stomach, the body produces the feeling of nausea and vomiting to remove everything from the stomach so that it does not have to process the food and thus does not lose vital energy. In this way, the body saves vital energy that it wants to invest in normalizing its temperature. A man with a cold is tired, weak and lethargic because all the vital energy of the body is invested in regeneration. Man is an endothermic being, that is, he is a warm-blooded being. The increase in body temperature by 1 degree Celsius due to fever, due to the fact that man is an endothermic being, causes an increase in metabolic rate by 10-12.5%. The increase in metabolic rate causes an increase in heart rate, which leads to increased blood flow to the eyes. As a result, the eyes become red and watery. During light meditation, the same phenomenon occurs, i.e. the blood supply to the eyes increases, causing them to become red and watery. The redness of the eyes and the watering of the eyes during fever is not a sign of illness, but a sign that the body is increasing its metabolic rate in order to regenerate itself. Consequently, the above symptoms are not at all evidence of disease, but evidence that the body is regenerating itself.

When a man has a cold, he has a sore throat, headache, and muscle and joint pain. Scholastic medicine wrongly assumes that pain is a symptom of a sick body.

Pain is not a symptom of a sick body, but a signal from the body to the brain, via the nervous system, for the brain to find a solution to return the body to normal. Pain is therefore an important and beneficial signal in the regeneration process of the human body. Since scholastic medicine is based on the false premise that pain is a symptom of disease, it recommends synthetic drugs to eliminate pain. Synthetic drugs numb the nervous system, the signal no longer reaches the brain, and the problem can no longer be solved. Never eliminate the pain completely! You can mitigate it somewhat, but it is not good to eliminate it completely.

To understand that symptoms are not evidence of disease, but evidence that the human body regenerates itself, it is good to study nature. Take for example the regeneration of snake skin. The snake regenerates its skin in a physiological process called molting. The snake's molt lasts several days and takes place to replace old, worn skin. In snakes, molting is a periodic process. Before the snake sheds its skin, it stops feeding and usually hides in a place it thinks is safe. Just before the snake molts, its skin becomes dull and dry and its eyes become cloudy and bluish. The inner surface of the old skin liquefies, allowing it to peel away from the new. For an clueless or cunning person, all the symptoms in the process of the snake's moult can be interpreted as symptoms of a disease.

The fact that the snake stops eating during molting can be interpreted as lack of appetite. The fact that the snake hides for several days during molting can be interpreted as a sign of lethargy. The dull, dry skin and cloudy, bluish eyes of the snake could be considered symptoms of disease. The liquefaction of the inner surface of his skin can be interpreted as a skin disease. The detachment of the old skin from the snake's body can also be interpreted as the result of a skin disease. However, the snake in the molting stage is not sick, but regenerating its skin..

If the snake had an income and it could generate income and profits, one can be absolutely sure that the scholastic medicine would produce books „proving” that the molting of the snake is a disease and therefore it should be treated with synthetic drugs and vaccinated against molting so that the pharmaceutical-medical industry can generate as much income and profits as possible.

There is no disease! There is no pathogenic virus! There are no epidemics!

All wild animals living in virgin territory, that is, untouched by man, are perfectly healthy. There are no epidemics among polar bears. There are no epidemics among rhinos or crocodiles. There are no epidemics among koala bears. There are no epidemics among badgers. There are no epidemics among wasps. There are no epidemics among swallows. Animals only get sick and die prematurely when they come into contact with human society. In human society there are cats with diabetes. Birds die from poisoning, pollution, and radiation from technology. Marine animals die from swallowing plastic waste. From this you can see very well that there are no naturally occurring diseases and that so-called diseases are caused by human activities.

Just as the snake can regenerate its skin, so can the human body. However, the regeneration is not unlimited in time. Symptoms appear in the human body not because there is a disease, but because it is in the regeneration phase. The normal state of the human body is one of health and equilibrium. Due to the pollution of the air, the water and the soil, due to mental traumas and the more than questionable treatments of scholastic medicine, the human body enters a regeneration phase in which it regenerates. In the regeneration phase, the man feels sick. Through warm baths, teas, meditation, body postures, self-massage and other naturopathic treatments, one can help the body to regenerate faster.

The human body works perfectly.

Author: Mihail Ispan