
LIGHT MEDITATION: Panacea of all psychosomatic disorders

Light meditation: Panacea of all psychosomatic disorders

Meditation is a mental and biophysical phenomenon that can be described by focusing on and contemplating a single object, whether material or spiritual. Meditation can be involuntary or voluntary. Involuntary meditation occurs in all people. It occurs less frequently or more frequently and lasts from a few seconds to a few minutes. In people who live in close contact with nature, who are vegetarians and who do not drink alcohol, involuntary meditation occurs more frequently and lasts longer. In people who live away from nature, consume animal products and alcohol, involuntary meditation occurs less often and lasts less long.

Volitional meditation is meditation practiced through one's own will. It is a spiritual technique within spiritual practice. It can transform a layman into a sage. Volitional meditation can be pure meditation or impure meditation. In pure meditation, the meditator is aware of his thoughts without engaging in a conversation with them. In impure meditation, the meditator focuses on a phenomenon or form in order to understand that phenomenon or form in depth. In my opinion, impure meditation is useless and risky. It is useless because one can understand a phenomenon or form even through pure meditation. Impure meditation is risky because thoughts can drift to unpleasant information. The most beautiful and efficient way to meditate is light meditation. The light meditation is a pure meditation. It can cure all psychosomatic diseases and relieve all other organic diseases.

It leads to the expansion of self-consciousness, a sense of connectedness with all beings, the awakening of dormant abilities, happiness, intuitive knowledge and self-knowledge. Finally, the material body will be transcended and the spirit will merge with the soul, which in reality is the divine spark in man. In this way, the enlightenment of man takes place. Light meditation means to look at a candle flame. One can sit in any desired position. The important thing is to have a straight back and the position is comfortable so that it can be maintained for a long time. The candle flame should be about 50-70 cm from the eyes. To make meditation more pleasant, you can consider the following tips.

.use incense sticks.
.listen to meditation music.
.ventilate the room well.
the room should be quiet.
.the room should have a comfortable temperature.
.in short, it is good to feel comfortable in the place where you meditate.

The best time to meditate is before sunrise and just after sunset, because the spiritual vibration is very intense at these times. However, one can meditate at any time of the day or night. Meditation has the desired effect if practiced daily, consequently and with discipline. One can meditate for 5-10 minutes in the beginning and then increase the length of meditation. Very impressive phenomena will occur on the meditative path. All these phenomena are natural. These phenomena are in general of a personal nature and therefore it is not possible to say exactly which phenomena will occur in every meditator. It is good to be aware of them so as not to be completely surprised by their occurrence.

Therefore, I will describe some of these phenomena from my spiritual experience. One phenomenon that can occur is the ability of the senses to pick up vibrations from the astral world. In the case of the olfactory apparatus, for example, one can smell perfume scents coming from the astral world. These scents are very fine and resemble the ethereal perfumes. Another phenomenon that is very impressive is astral travel. Those who meditate deeply and regularly will be able to detach their spirit from the body and travel to the astral world. These journeys are unspeakably beautiful. On these astral journeys, one will see everything in three-dimensional space and in color, and one will perceive smells as in the real world. Moreover, one can do things that one cannot do in the real world, for example, one can see telescopically and fly.

These journeys will not be dreams, because you will be conscious at all times and you can use your own will. In this way, through your own experience, you will understand that you are not the body, but the spirit. When the divine energy rises from the tailbone and reaches the crown of the head, you can feel electrical currents of lower or higher intensity in both the brain and the rest of the body. This is the divine energy activating the energy vortices in your spirit. After regular and deep meditation, a phenomenon occurs that consists of sweet drops falling from the vault of the palate to the back of the tongue. These drops are called nectar, soma, ambrosia, elixir or amrita.

With the appearance of these sweet drops, you will be able to control your hunger and thirst, which means that you are on the path to autotrophy. Another phenomenon that will occur is the union of female and male energy. This is the time when you learn the ability to transform sexual energy into spiritual energy and master concupiscence. Concupiscence is the tendency to exploit the bodily senses. This is the moment when you can say that you have reached and identified with the highest love. The union of the two energies can be visualized as the complete union of a woman with a man, which takes place in the astral world. It will appear like a dream. Depending on your personality, the way you meditate, and the depth with which you meditate, other phenomena may occur. But all phenomena related to meditation are natural. They appear magical only to the people who are identified with their ego.

Next, I would like to share with you explanations that will help you become more effective in your meditation technique. As you begin to meditate, your awareness of the energies within you will increase so that you become more and more aware of the mentalemotional stream that is composed of thoughts, inner images and emotions. The thoughts, images and emotions are in the conscious mind, the subconscious mind and the unconscious mind. In the beginning, the mental-emotional stream can be so strong that you are always on the verge of giving up because you feel an inner turmoil. It is good not to give up and to continue the path of meditation. Continue the meditative way until this current becomes weaker and weaker and your will becomes stronger!

It is good to perceive thoughts, images and emotions as if they were passing clouds in the inner sky. Do not get involved in an inner discussion about them! If you get involved in an inner discussion at the beginning, return to concentration and contemplation without self-reproach. Self-reproach is just a trap of the intellectual ego trying to distract you. After several weeks or months of deep and consequent meditation, the stream of thoughts, inner images and emotions will stop, and a break in the stream will occur. This interruption will grow larger and larger. This is accompanied by a feeling of inner happiness. This phenomenon can be recognized by the fact that the lips begin to smile by themselves. All mental problems, worries, body pains, and the noises inside you will stop. The periods of happiness will be more frequent and of longer duration. Between your eyebrows, the magic eye appears inside you, which looks like a round, milk-colored light. If a man who has never meditated closes his eyes, he will say that he sees nothing. This is not true. When he closes his eyes, he sees the astral darkness because his spirit is darkened by ignorance. He who meditates and whose magic eye is visible will perceive light and not darkness in himself, because his spirit becomes more and more enlightened by divine wisdom. The light meditation is the fastest way to master your destiny. Destiny consists of the totality of situations that a human lives through. Each situation arises according to the respective karma.

Karma is the totality of information received through the senses and stored in the long-term memory of the spirit. All the situations that one has already experienced are inscribed in one's karma. If one has not been able to find the cause of these situations, they will repeat themselves and spiritual development will be very slow. All past behaviors and habits are also inscribed in the karma. These behaviors and habits will also occur in one form or another in future lives. So if one has behaved wrongly in past lives, that behavior will occur again in future lives. During meditation it is possible to discover the causes of unpleasant situations, which leads to their disappearance from life and the elimination of the wrong behaviors and habits. In this way, it is possible to remove the obstacles that stand in the way of rapid spiritual development. It is good to meditate until you merge with the divine light within you. At that moment you will be able to realize that you are in fact that light. You are the divinity itself, which is characterized by genius and perfection. The greatest obstacle and brake to spiritual development is the mind and the body of instincts, feelings and emotions. Through the mind flows a mental current, and through the body of instincts, feelings and emotions flows a current that we might briefly call the emotional current. This mental-emotional current will at first be rapid and cause a feeling of impatience, so that one may wish to interrupt the meditation.

Through the continued practice of spirituality, this current will slow its speed until it comes to a halt for short periods of time. These periods will become longer and longer. Eventually, the practitioner will be able to stop this current of his own will and consciously. The mind will keep trying all kinds of tricks to get you to give in. The moment you notice that the mental-emotional stream disappears for a few seconds, that is, the moment the mind stops functioning for a few seconds, it will know that you will soon be its master and it will use its last weapon. He will use his most powerful trick. The most powerful trick of the mind is the simulation of wisdom. Wise or seemingly wise ideas will always appear in your mind. However, wisdom does not consist in expressing wise ideas, but in understanding them in depth. Therefore, be careful not to fall into the trap of the mind. Only when the mind is silent can one read the books in the energy library of the spirit. One should take distance from the pseudowise ideas of the mind and meditate until one has become the master of the mind and can stop it of one's own will. Keep the fact that you practice spirituality as a great secret, at least until you become your own spiritual master! People are mostly materialistic and therefore identified with the mind. As the mind tries to dissuade you from the spiritual path, so will people. In the beginning, you will have to make an effort until you reach the stage where no effort is needed. The best time to meditate is at night. That is the moment when silence settles over everyone and everything.

At night, before going to sleep, I managed to have the most wonderful spiritual experiences. You don't have to worry that a long meditation will shorten your sleep. On average, one hour of meditation is equivalent to three hours of sleep. During deep meditation you are in direct contact with Divinity. The most important thing is to be with it. When you have succeeded in being in contact with Divinity, you need not worry. All evils and sufferings disappear, and you begin to understand that time and space are illusions. Then you realize that you don't have to miss anyone, not even your family who may be far away from you, because whether you are here, there or beyond, we are all in the same ocean of life. We are all in divinity. You need never feel lonely, even if you are alone in a foreign land. Some people say that they have no one and therefore feel lonely. They live on a planet with billions of other people and feel lonely. The feeling of loneliness does not come from the lack of people around you, but from the lack of connection with divinity. Meditate, reconnect with Divinity and you will find that the feeling of loneliness disappears! There are countless people around you who were good friends to you in previous incarnations. If you meditate deeply, you will gain the ability to recognize them. Even if they cannot recognize you, they will be attracted to your personality, and in this way you can get closer to them relatively easily.

Author: Mihail Ispan