

Live in eternity!

In the universe, everything happens synchronously. There are two synchronization mechanisms. The first consists of the sun and the moon, and the second consists of Polaris and the other stars. I will call the synchronization mechanism consisting of the sun and the moon the planetary clock, and the one consisting of Polaris and the other stars the cosmic clock. The planetary clock and the cosmic clock do not measure time, but are mechanisms that synchronize the forms and phenomena of this world. The planetary clock synchronizes short-term forms and phenomena, and the cosmic clock synchronizes long-term forms and phenomena. In this context, short-term means a period of time comparable to the earthly life of a human being, and long-term means a period of time comparable to the duration of the cosmic life of a human being, which is composed of a very large number of earthly lives.

There is no such thing as time! So-called scientists tell us that time is what is measured by the clock. To measure the electric current, the current must flow into an ammeter. The clock does not measure time because time does not flow into the clock to be measured. The analog clock measures the number of turns of the clock hands, not time. There is no instrument to measure time. Therefore, there is no time.

It is said that time consists of the past, present and future. What is considered the past is actually memories recorded by the human mind, not time. The present is an infinitesimally small moment and happens instantaneously, so no time is wasted. In it lies eternity. What is considered the future is actually plans and hopes in the human mind and not time. One recognizes very well by these examples that the time, as a sequence of moments from the future to the past, does not exist. There is only an infinitesimally small moment in which eternity lies. The spirit creates this moment according to its karma accumulated in the previous moment. The spirit without karma creates the moment consciously.

The concept of time, as it is understood today, is one of the most subtle and efficient deceptions of the world rulers. It is a Babylonian concept because it was invented in Babylon. It appeared at the same time as the Babylonian calendar, on which the other calendars are based. Of course, there were sundials before the appearance of the Babylonian civilization, but they were not used to measure time, but to synchronize man with the planetary clock.

The people of extreme antiquity tracked the sun with sundials to synchronize with the planetary clock. The sun is difficult to track in the sky for at least two reasons. Since the sun is very luminous, it is recommended not to look at the sun. There are no points of reference in the sky to follow the position of the sun in the sky. Aus diesen beiden Gründen verfolgten die Menschen damals die Sonne nicht direkt, d.h. indem sie sie anschauten, sondern indirekt, d.h. indem sie dem Schattenwurf der Sonnenuhr folgten. Abhängig von der Position dieses Schattens und seiner Größe kannten die Menschen die Position der Sonne am Himmel. For these two reasons, people at that time did not track the sun directly, i.e. by looking at it, but indirectly, i.e. by following the shadow cast by the sundial. Depending on the position of this shadow and its size, people knew the position of the sun in the sky.

There are four types of calendars: lunisolar, solar, lunar and seasonal. If you calculate your birth date according to these calendars, you will find that it varies from case to case. Your birth date differs according to the calendar because the calendar is based on a human convention and is therefore only a convention and not a science.

The concept of time only brings problems because it does not coincide with the truth. One of the reasons it was invented was to divide people into age categories. By dividing people into age categories, people are divided and pitted against each other. If you are young and someone finds out your age, they will think or maybe even say:

„You are an inexperienced young man. You have no idea about life.”

This statement may not be true because the young person in question has accumulated knowledge and skills from his past lives, so some young people have knowledge and skills far superior to others.

If you are old and someone finds out your age, they will think or maybe even usually say:

„Hi, old man, what do you expect from this world? Prepare for death!”

Also this statement does not correspond to the truth, because the human soul is eternally young, and an old person can be still very valuable for the society even at the moment of his death.

From this it can be seen that the concept of time brings problems. Anything that is not in accordance with the truth brings problems. What is in accordance with the truth brings only good.

Time is the inner energy of the spirit, with the help of which it stores all the information about the events it has experienced and creates new events according to this information. The events experienced and stored by the spirit can be called karma, and the events created by the spirit can be called destiny. The spirit that possesses karma brings forth destiny, not consciously, but according to past events. The present, or the present moment, is the moment when the spirit does not possess karma. Living in the present brings forth destiny, not because of karma, but consciously. Live in the present, for only then can you consciously create your destiny! The present moment includes eternity.

Tips for tasting eternity:

.Never look at the clock!

.Don't look at the calendar!

.Do not celebrate your birthday! You do not know your birthday from your own experience, but through an intermediary. This is a signal from the divinity that you do not need to know your birthday. If you celebrate your birthday year after year, you will feel that you are getting older, which will age your psyche and even your body. At the same time, plan every day so that every day of your life is a celebration!

.Don't tell everyone your age, because people will judge you by that age and the conclusion will be against you in most cases.

.Synchronize your internal clock with the planetary and cosmic clock so that you are in tune with the universe and all events in your life happen at the right time. The planetary clock is composed of the Sun and the Moon. The cosmic clock is composed of Polaris and the other stars. This is how you can do this:

.Learn as much as you can about the sun, moon, and stars!

.Watch the sun rise and set every day!

.Admire the moon in the sky at least once a day, evening or night!

.Admire the stars in the sky at least once a night!

.Walk barefoot on the ground for at least half an hour a day!

The sun and the moon are used to synchronize earthly life. The sun is used to synchronize the earthly life that takes place in nature and society. The moon is used to synchronize the earthly life that takes place inside the human being. The stars are used for the synchronization of the cosmic life. The cosmic life is a life composed of innumerable astral and earthly lives.

Note: We live in a materialistic society. The materialistic society holds on to its terminology and ideology. Therefore, sometimes you have to keep an eye on the clock and calendar. Keep an eye on the clock and calendar only when necessary, i.e. when you are dealing with the everyday things of society! Example: When you have an appointment and need to be somewhere on a certain date, you should keep an eye on the clock and date. Otherwise: Live outside of time!

Live in eternity!
Be happy!

Author: Mihail Ispan