
ECONOMIC TRUTH: All goods are made with no costs

Economic truth: All goods are made with no costs

The proposition All goods are made with no costs is a truth expressed in words. In the following, I will use several deductive ways, namely the spiritual way, the logical way, the economic way and the mathematical way, to prove beyond doubt that the proposition All goods are made with no cost is a truth expressed in words. If more than one way of deduction leads to the same result, it means that the result is correct.

The spiritual path

Life is the most precious thing. People, however, do not pay in money to receive this wonderful and extremely precious life. Consequently, we receive life free of charge. Commodities cannot be more valuable than human life. So all goods must be given as a gift. In other words, all goods must be offered free of charge.

The logical way

All materials from which goods are made come from the earth. No money is paid to the earth for the extraction of these materials. Electricity comes from water, wind and sun. No money is paid to water, wind or sun for the extraction of this energy. The human life force, with which materials can be transformed into goods, and with which the energy of water, wind and sun can be transformed into electricity, has been obtained free of charge. If materials, energy and human life force are free, it means that all goods are produced free of charge.

The economic and mathematical path


An economic cycle consists of the following three phases: investment, investment recovery and profit realization.

All money on this planet comes from bank loans. In the first phase, the economic machine must make investments.

Note: The economic machine consists of the corporations of the global oligarchy. Small and medium enterprises cannot be included in the concept of economic machine, because they make only small profits in relation to the profits of the economic machine and these profits can be considered as income for the owners of these enterprises to live on.

Therefore, the economic machine must take out bank loans, which it must repay with interest. These loans are called borrowed capital. The borrowed capital is invested in the economy to pay wages, purchase means of production, buy materials and energy, and make all other expenditures. Productive people work in firms to produce goods. The price of each product includes a certain percentage of borrowed capital, the interest to be paid and the profit to be made.

The second phase consists in the recovery of all investments. All investments are recovered by selling the goods. When all investments have been recovered, the economic machine has recovered the borrowed capital and the interest payable on that capital from the buyers. End result: all goods are produced at no cost.

In the third phase, the economic machine makes a profit.


The economic machine makes money profit every year. Money profit means money surplus over the investment made by the economic machine. The investment is composed of the following expenses: Wages, working capital costs, material costs, energy costs, rent costs, taxes, fees, etc. In order to achieve a monetary profit, all investments must first be recovered. All investments are included in the price of goods. That is, wages, cost of inputs, cost of materials, cost of energy, cost of rent, taxes, fees, etc. are included in the prices of goods. The investments are recovered through the prices. In other words, all investments are recovered through the sale of goods. The recovery of all investments means that the bottom line is that wages, working capital costs, material costs, energy costs, rent costs, taxes, fees, etc. have not been paid. This further means that all goods were produced free of charge.


Productive employees believe that they are paid for their work by the company they work for. This belief is false. They are not paid for their work in any way. A productive employee earns a wage equal to about 10% of the monetary profit earned at his or her job. If you lost 90% of your work, it doesn't mean you got paid or gained anything, it means you lost something. So the wage is a loss and not a gain. Consequently, the economic machine always gets the labor power for free in the end. The economic machine makes money profits every year. Before money profits can be made, it must first recoup all investments, i.e. materials, energy, means of production, rent, taxes, and so on. Consequently, for the economic machine, in the final analysis, labor, materials, means of production, energy and so on are free and it pays no rents, no taxes and no other charges. This further means that all goods are produced free of charge.


Everything that is abundant is free. Air is free because it is abundant. Even economists agree with this. Labor is always abundant. You realize that labor power is always abundant because there are always unemployed people in every country in the world. What is abundant is always free. Consequently, labor power is free for the economic machine because it is abundant. The fact that labor is always free for the economic machine can also be derived from statement 3. Materials are always abundant. If there had ever been a shortage of materials, the economic machine should have collapsed long ago. The economic machine has never collapsed due to a shortage of materials. Energy is always abundant. Energy can come from materials on earth such as wood, coal, oil, gas and so on. Although these materials have been continuously exploited for an extremely long time, they have not yet been exhausted. Energy can also come from water, wind and sun. This energy is renewable and therefore we can say that it is available in infinite quantity. What is infinite is abundant. Consequently, labor, material and energy are abundant and therefore free. If labor, material and energy are free, it means that all goods are produced for free.


Everything that is abundant is free. Air is free because it is abundant. Even economists agree with this. Goods are always abundant. So the goods must be free. They must be free because they are produced for free. In the following lines, I will give evidence that goods are always abundant.

In Europe, about 88 million tons of food are thrown away every year. Not infrequently goods are destroyed because they are in abundance. If they were not destroyed prices and profits would fall which is not wanted by the managers of the economic machine. If you go to a grocery store and always find something you need, it means it is in abundance.

In all countries of the world and at all times, there are unemployed people. If there were a shortage of goods, there should be the possibility of creating jobs so that there would be no more unemployed people. Consequently, the existence of unemployed people indicates that there is an abundance of goods. Abundance of goods exists and will always exist because labor, materials and energy are abundant. The fact that goods are abundant means that all goods should be free. They should be free because they were produced free of charge.

All goods are produced for free because that is the only way to produce them. Therefore, people must have the right to free access to the goods they produce.

Consequently, economic theory is pseudoscientific because it starts from false premises. Since all commercial activities in today's society are based on this theory, it can be said that economic theory is the mother of all lies because it is the root cause of all problems in society. Since the value of a good can neither be measured nor estimated, there is a cheater and a cheated in every exchange of goods. Within a short period of time, it is not possible to find out who is the cheater and who is the cheated. But in the long run, a small group of people will get rich quickly without much effort, while many productive people will have to work hard to survive. Those who got rich quickly are definitely the cheaters and the others are the cheated. In this way, the cheaters are getting richer and the cheated are getting poorer.

Many of the impoverished have to resort to immoral and illegal activities such as swindling, stealing, selling drugs and violence in order to survive. It can be seen that the original lie has caused poverty, injustice, fraud and violence in society. In this way, the many lose their freedom and become slaves. Even the rich also become slaves because they have become very dependent on the poor slaves and have to constantly fight to maintain and possibly consolidate their power. The rich slaves are in a stronger bondage than the poor slaves because they want to hold on to their chains, while the poor slaves hate their chains and do everything to get rid of them. Now society has become a prison for everyone. The prison of the poor will be in the form of cold and miserable dwellings or living in the open air.

The rich live in luxury prisons. They will have to surround their properties with high walls of concrete, stone and barbed wire to protect themselves from looters. They will have to send their children to school in armored limousines with bodyguards to prevent their children from being kidnapped. Sometimes they have to travel by helicopter to avoid poor people who might rob them. They know that they are despised by the vast majority of people and live in constant fear of being robbed, kidnapped, injured or even killed. These risks that rich people must take are because an impoverished population always produces crime. Consequently, the rich live in a luxury prison. But a luxury prison is still a prison.

A cosmic law states the following: People who live in falsehood have no right to enjoy freedom. In order to break the chains of slavery, they must walk on the path of truth and keep moving toward the truth. Only gratuitousness will free people from slavery. There is no alternative. Gratuitous does not mean for nothing, because people have produced the goods themselves. Every human being has an importance, a meaning and a purpose on this planet. In order for all people to realize the meaning of their lives unconditionally, they must have free access to the goods they produce themselves.

Author: Mihail Ispan