
SPIRITUAL SCIENCE: Queen of all Sciences

Spiritual science: Queen of all Sciences

Science has two facets. One of these facets is scholastic science, which can also be called academic science and includes the so-called natural and social sciences. This science studies phenomena and regularities in the world outside the spirit using the senses or their extension, such as the microscope and telescope. Academics explore forms in the universe by observing their properties and analyzing their components. Then, in turn, the components are broken down into smaller and smaller parts for further analysis, and so on. Thus, many academics get lost in the much information they obtain by studying many individual parts and are no longer able to properly make connections between the many pieces of information they receive. This ultimately leads to partially or completely wrong conclusions. The results obtained by scholastic science are not eternal, because they have to be changed or even declared obsolete from time to time.

Another facet of science is spiritual science, which investigates phenomena and regularities related to the soul and spirit with the help of spiritual techniques and with the total or partial elimination of the senses. The universe is fractal. Fractality is a complex phenomenon and therefore not so easy to define. It can be described in terms of its properties. One property of fractality is self-similarity. A shape is self-similar if its individual parts resemble it. For example, fern is self-similar because fern leaves resemble fern. The fact that the universe is self-similar means that all its components are similar to the universe itself. Man is a component of the universe, which means that he is similar to the universe. Indeed. Within man there is the whole science on the basis of which the universe functions. This science is energetic in nature and can be accessed through spiritual practice consisting of postures, meditation and conscious breathing. The essence of all forms and phenomena of the universe is found in soul and spirit. Consequently, spiritual science explains the essence of all forms and phenomena of the universe. The results obtained through spiritual science have eternal validity. Spiritual science is therefore the foundation of all sciences and can thus be considered the queen of all sciences.

A phenomenon can be understood only through careful observation, thorough research, experimentation and experience. Understanding the essence of a phenomenon comes through the practice of spirituality. A phenomenon cannot be understood by reading a book labeled as scientific. By reading books, one can only learn the language in which the book is written. The moment you read, you look at letters. Letters are something different from reality. A good book can help to understand a phenomenon, but the phenomenon cannot be understood by reading the book. Spiritual knowledge does not come from reading spiritual books, but from practicing spirituality.

In the following I will define and explain five important terms of spirituality: Soul, Spirit, Mind, Body and Extended Body.

Soul is the most subtle energy in the universe. It is, in fact, the divine energy. The soul is the essence of man and therefore cannot be perceived by the physical senses or by any technological apparatus, because the physical senses and the technological apparatus are much more gross in relation to the soul. One can identify with the soul through spiritual practice. The soul is eternally young, unchanging and of perfect purity. As a result of spiritual practice, the spirit becomes purified, translucent, and allows the light of the soul to permeate it. Der menschliche Körper nimmt dieses Licht als ein rundes Licht wahr, das in der Mitte der Stirn erscheint. Die spirituellen Menschen nennen dieses Licht das Magische Auge, weil dieses Auge der Sinn der Sinne ist und die Essenz aller Formen und Phänomene des Universums wahrnehmen kann. Das Öffnen des Magischen Auges wird als Erleuchtung bezeichnet. Der erleuchtete Mensch erhält alle Gaben der Seele. Diese sind: wahres Glück, göttliche Weisheit und magische Kräfte.

Spirit is an energy of astral nature, which connects the soul with the body through its energy vortices. It has its own structure and functions. The structure and functions of the spirit can be studied with spiritual techniques. Through spiritual practice, the practitioner becomes more and more sensitive, which allows him to access more and more subtle layers of his body. Eventually, he will be able to access and identify with his spirit. Once the practitioner has identified with his spirit, he will be able to thoroughly investigate his spirit. By investigating his spirit, the practitioner will be able to gain spiritual insight and become enlightened. The spirit perceives the world exactly as it is. It does not interpret it.

All sensory perceptions, all thoughts, all emotions and all feelings are projected onto the spirit's screen and then stored by the spirit. Then they are processed by the spirit by continuously projecting and re-projecting them onto the spirit's screen until the spirit extracts their essence. The more natural and true they are, the easier and faster they are processed. The more distant they are from nature and the more they contradict the truth, the longer is their processing time. Their essence can be called karma. Karma creates destiny. Those who have a destiny must be reborn and in this way remain in the cosmic cycle of karmic nature, which consists of countless astral and earthly lives. Through meditation, the spirit frees itself from karma. In this way it is purified and becomes divine and pure energy like the soul. At that moment, it can merge with the soul and thus with the divine energy, because only two identical things can become one and the same. At that moment, man has attained divine consciousness and can liberate himself from the cosmic cycle of karmic nature. After his liberation, he becomes the master of the two worlds: the material world and the spiritual world. He can be called a spiritual master. The spiritual master can reincarnate consciously or live as divine energy.

The main energy vortices of the spirit are as follows:

.the energy vortex of the coccyx.
.the energy vortex of the sacral region.
.the energy vortex of the solar plexus.
.the energy vortex of the thorax.
.the cervical energy vortex.
.the magic eye.
.the energy vortex of the parietal region.

Through the practice of spirituality, each vortex of energy will begin to function. In this way, it will be perceived by the practitioner. The activation of the first energy vortex leads to the disappearance of the fear of death, which is actually the cause of all other fears. The activation of the second vortex of energy leads to the mastery of concupiscence. Concupiscence is the tendency to exploit the bodily senses. The activation of the third energy vortex leads to the mastery of all emotions. The activation of the fourth vortex of energy leads to identification with the supreme love. Activation of the fifth vortex of energy leads to the power and courage to speak the truth in public. The activation of the magic eye leads to the ability to perceive the essence of forms and phenomena, and also to the ability to perceive them three-dimensionally and in their temporal evolution. The activation of the seventh energy vortex leads to the strengthening of the other energy vortices and the merging of spirit and soul.

The mind is a delimited unit of the spirit. Truth is infinite, while the mind is limited. Therefore, truth does not fit into the mind. For this reason, the mind can never comprehend the truth. The mind interprets all the information coming from the physical senses according to the information available to it. The edge of the mind comes from the fact that the mind interprets information about forms and concludes that every form would have an edge. The mental interpretation of this information creates a mental stream of images and words. This current flows continuously through the mind. It does not allow man to get in touch with his own spirit. Through the practice of spirituality, this current slows down more and more until there is a greater and greater pause. In this way, the practitioner learns to control his thoughts. When the mental stream stops flowing, the edge of the mind disappears and in this way the mind merges with the spirit.

The human body is the material part of man. It is projected by spirit onto the screen of the material universe in the form of a cosmic suit. With the help of this cosmic suit, vibrations can be perceived and transmitted..

Man's extended body is composed of all the things necessary for survival and a dignified life. The extended body includes: water, food, shelter, clothing, footwear and all other material and spiritual necessities that enable man to live with dignity in the community in which he lives. water, food, shelter, clothing, footwear, etc. are not just man's necessities, but more than that, they constitute man's extended body, because without them man cannot survive or, in the most optimistic scenario, will have to suffer until death.

Author: Mihail Ispan