
FREEDOM: The highest value

Freedom: The highest value

Freedom is the highest value a human being can possess. This can be seen from the fact that the divinity, that is, the power that created this universe, has placed freedom higher than anything else. The divinity has placed freedom even above good. We know this because we possess even the freedom to do evil. If the divinity had placed good above freedom, then it could have programmed us to do only good. If that were the case, we would be pre-programmed beings, that is, we would be robots, and therefore we would have no freedom. We are not robots, because we have the power of will, and so we can choose between good and evil of our own free will.

As you can very well see for yourself, freedom is even more important than good. That freedom is the highest value can also be seen from the fact that there is complete freedom, complete freedom will be explained in the following lines, but there is no complete lack of freedom. Even a prisoner has a certain amount of freedom. He can move freely in his cell, he can eat and drink water, and in some prisons there is even the freedom to play sports, watch TV or work to earn money. Even someone who is tied down has a certain degree of freedom. He has the freedom to think and breathe.

We realize that there is no such thing as complete lack of freedom. The divinity, that is, the Creator of the universe, knew that freedom is of great value and therefore created it in such a way that it cannot be completely suppressed by anyone. Freedom cannot be explained in words. It can be understood only by living it. Even the taste of honey cannot be explained in words to a person who has never tasted honey. It is the same with freedom. It cannot be explained in words. But freedom is so valuable that it is good to understand it at least mentally in the hope that readers will deepen their understanding of it through imagination, intuition and meditation.

The human mind works with division. In other words, man understands a phenomenon in a mental way only when this phenomenon is divided into its components. So, in order to mentally understand what freedom means, I will divide this concept into full freedom, natural freedom, social freedom and technological freedom.

Full freedom is a freedom of the highest degree. It can be attained by the human being at the end of a spiritual evolution that takes place by passing through the innumerable cycles of procreation, birth, life, physical death and rebirth.

At the end of this evolutionary cycle, man obtains the full freedom and becomes a master of the two worlds, that is, he becomes a master over the spiritual and material worlds. The master of the two worlds, whom we can also call the spiritual master, has the sacred keys with which he can open every gate in the temple of illusion. The temple of illusion is the material universe. In other words: He possesses all the secrets of the universe, is above the cosmic laws and can move in complete freedom. Although he is above the cosmic laws, he respects them. The spiritual master can even step out of the temple of illusion and enter the divine temple, where the true reality is located and from where the holographic film that we humans call the universe is projected.

The spiritual master is allowed to possess the sacred keys because he can take 100% responsibility for his thoughts, words and deeds. Only the one who has this degree of responsibility can possess the sacred keys. Only the one who can bear this degree of responsibility can possess full freedom. For ordinary people, the spiritual master seems to have magical powers, because he has very advanced knowledge in all fields and has supernatural powers, which he does not display in an exhibitionistic way, but prefers to withdraw into solitude for shorter or longer periods of time to meditate. Through meditation, his spirit vibrates at the frequency of the pure spirit of the divinity, and thus he can transmit his spiritual and pure energy to all beings in the universe to protect them and help them in their evolution.

Natural freedom is the highest level of freedom that can be enjoyed by the living beings in the universe who have not yet reached the level of consciousness of the spiritual master. This kind of freedom is conditioned by the cosmic laws. All living beings in the universe, except the spiritual master, must obey the cosmic laws. All living beings on earth, with the exception of man, have natural freedom and are therefore subject only to the cosmic laws. Wild animals born and raised in the wild know the value of natural freedom very well and are aware of it. This can be very easily ascertained experimentally. If you put a wild tiger in a cage, throw a piece of meat into the cage, and quickly open the cage door, the tiger will not pounce on the food offered, even if it is ravenously hungry, but will prefer to get out of the cage as quickly as possible. Hummingbirds of some species suffer so much in captivity that they lose their appetite, refuse to eat and die. For this reason, these birds cannot be kept in captivity. Cheetahs suffer so much in captivity that they lose their sex drive and therefore cannot reproduce naturally in captivity.

These examples show that wild animals living in captivity suffer. These wild animals suffer because they value freedom highly and are aware of the great value of freedom. If you study all wildlife carefully, you will come to the same conclusion: Wild animals suffer when they are kept in captivity. These animals suffer because they know the value of freedom and value freedom highly. Human beings are the only living beings on earth who do not have natural freedom because they must obey not only cosmic laws but also man-made laws, bureaucratic implementations of human laws, restrictions of all kinds, and so on.

Natural freedom is magical. People are not aware of this because they have lived in slavery for tens of thousands of years, perhaps even hundreds of thousands of years, except for small communities of people who have had the opportunity to taste natural freedom for relatively short periods of time compared to human history. Natural freedom is so magical that in a free society there is not even a need for spiritual development. In a free society, there is no need for spiritual development because spiritual development happens by itself. In a free society, people have spiritual and academic knowledge that enables them to develop naturally and unhindered on the spiritual path. Natural freedom is even more precious than life. In the extremist-materialist society in which we live, people hold on to their lives, even if that life is lived in slavery, and prefer to continue living that way rather than fighting for freedom and possibly risking their lives. Two statements circulating everywhere suggest that freedom is even more precious than life and that it takes a lot of courage to fight for it. The first statement is: Instead of living your whole life on your knees, stand up and die! This statement clearly suggests that freedom, here of course we are talking about natural freedom, is even more valuable than life. It tells us that it is better to risk our lives to become free than to continue living in slavery.

The second statement is: If you want to fight for freedom, put on the shirt of death! This statement tells us that we must be brave and aware that fighting for freedom involves the risk of losing our lives. Consequently, only a man who is brave and very aware of the value of freedom can stand up and fight for freedom. There have been such people. There have been courageous people who were aware of the value of freedom and fought for freedom. Even though these people were very few, without them the oppression in our society would have been much greater.

If we consider that this life we are living now is only a life that is a part of the cosmic life, which consists of a very large number of lives, then we realize better that we are not risking much when we fight for freedom. Physical death is not our end, but the gate through which we are reborn in another life. Man can attain natural freedom only when he recognizes scientific truth and expresses it in public. Natural freedom only appears through scientific truth. It does not come from other people, from money, from technology or anything else, but only from scientific truth. A cosmic law states that people do not have the right to be free unless the society they live in is based on scientific truth. If the society is based on lies, people lose their right to be free.

Natural freedom does not come from other people. It does not come from secret societies that presume to have advanced spiritual science, also called mentalism, but in reality do not have the wisdom to free people from lies. Mentalism is a philosophy that supposedly gives you the mental power to project images into other people's minds in order to gain power over them. These mentalists want to manipulate people's minds, but through manipulation people will never be free. Natural freedom does not come from bankers, politicians or other people. Stories of all kinds about saviors and supermen are simply fairy tales to suggest that people must wait calmly and serenely for a savior who will miraculously free them from bondage. These stories give people false hope. Such a savior will never appear, because natural freedom does not come from people, but only from scientific truth. Natural freedom does not come from money either. Even the super-rich are not free in a society like ours, where lies, deceit, fraud and crime reign. The super-rich have to surround themselves with security guards and bodyguards, they have to live in houses surrounded by high walls and barbed wire, they have to send their children to school in armored cars to prevent their children from being kidnapped, they have to endure the hatred, envy, mistrust and insults of the people around them, and not infrequently they become the victims of criminals, robbers, child kidnappers and thieves. It is true that the super-rich live in luxury prisons, but even luxury prisons are still prisons. Natural freedom does not come from technology. There are now many people who have fallen for the belief that technological development can set people free. Let's use our imagination to see if natural freedom comes from technology!

As all well-informed people know, at the moment the world oligarchy does not want to put on the market devices that produce free energy. Let's assume that this will happen in the future and therefore let's assume that free energy producing devices will be offered on the market! In this system politicians can pass a law which prescribes a meter for this device, so that the people pay a fee depending on the used energy. The fee will probably be so high that the electricity generated by these devices will be as expensive as conventionally generated electricity, or perhaps even more expensive. As we can see, even after the introduction of free energy generation, people will not be any freer than they are now. Consequently, natural freedom cannot be gained through technology. Natural freedom exists only in a society based on scientific truth.

Social freedom, which can also be called civil freedom, is the freedom that exists in today's human society. It is a freedom conditioned by cosmic laws, man-made laws, and all other conventions of human society. Social freedom is a poor surrogate. It replaces natural freedom. In today's society, because it is based on lies, people are offered all kinds of surrogates instead of authentic things: pseudoscience instead of science, political theater instead of politics, religion instead of spiritual science, human laws instead of natural laws, cultural food with all kinds of additives instead of natural food, clothes made of plastic instead of clothes made of hemp, lies instead of truth, and social freedom instead of natural freedom.

Technological freedom is the freedom that gives a living being superior abilities with the help of technology. Humans, unlike birds, cannot fly using their own strength. But they can fly with a technological device called an airplane. We can say that technological freedom is an extension of natural freedom. Although technological freedom is an extension of natural freedom, we must not fall into the trap of thinking that technology will always bring more freedom. Technology brings more freedom only in a society that already has natural freedom. In a society where lies rule, as in today's society, technology does not bring more freedom, but rather restricts the existing freedom.

Aviation technology, for example, brings with it the freedom to move from one point on earth to another at very high speed. Air travel, meaning travel by passenger plane, is usually used by people with a lot of money. The other people cannot use this technology, which means inequality in the society. This technology can be used for warlike purposes in the form of bombers and drones to destroy buildings and kill people. Drones can be used to spy on citizens, which undermines trust within society and creates mistrust instead of trust. Computer and Internet technology brings with it the freedom to get information and communicate with others. In our society, this technology is also used to spy on citizens. The secret services are able to break into any computer to collect information from that computer.

They don't get into all computers, because that would mean a lot of work, a lot of personnel, a lot of investment, and a lot of time. They only break into computers of people who are deemed dangerous to the system. The people who are assessed by the intelligence agencies as dangerous to the system include those who are labeled as anti-system. The goal of these people is to enlighten others and pass on scientific, true and useful information to people. Those who spread the truth can be suppressed by the system's graduated system of sanctions, which begins with defaming the person, continues with dismissal, and can even end with killing that person. Keeping in mind that only truth can lead to natural freedom, the suppression of truth pushes back freedom itself. If we carefully analyze all the technologies of today's society, we will surely come to the conclusion that these technologies do not lead to a greater degree of freedom, but on the contrary, they restrict the freedom that already exists in society. Only in a society that already has natural freedom does technology lead to an expansion of freedom. In other words, natural freedom is the basic freedom of man. It is this that must first be conquered, and only then can technological freedom become a genuine extension of natural freedom.

Freedom is magic! Freedom is the highest value! Freedom arises only from science and truth!

Author: Mihail Ispan