
TREE: King of the earth

Tree: King of the earth

The divinity is the infinite, omnipotent and omniscient power that created the universe. It speaks to us through the forms and phenomena of the universe. We can call their language the divine language. The divine language is the most powerful language in the universe. It is indeed infinitely powerful because it has infinite depth. Understanding the divinity language leads to a very fast spiritual evolution of man. Every form and phenomenon in the universe has a deep meaning, which we can call mystical meaning. This mystical meaning cannot be understood by the materialistic man. The materialistic man identifies himself with his body and wants to exploit the senses, which results in not being able to use the advanced abilities of the spirit, namely: deep understanding, intuition, imagination, creativity and ability to concentrate. To understand the mystical meaning of the divine language, one must become spiritual.

In short, the mystical meaning of the tree is as follows:

„The tree is the king of the earth!”

There were some people who gave themselves titles like Pharaoh, Emperor, King, etc., to express that they would be very important beings on earth. But they were all liars, swindlers and murderers. The king is not the one who lies, manipulates, cheats and kills, but the one who gives the most to all living beings on earth. The most important being on earth is the tree. The other plants are his assistants. The tree is the king of the earth. The crown that the human king wears is the symbol of the horned one, while the crown of the tree is a divine crown because it was given to the tree directly by the divinity itself.

To understand that the tree is indeed the king of the earth, it is good to know something about the tree.

The tree is a perennial plant with a root system from which sprouts an elongated trunk with leafy branches. It is the most important living thing in the terrestrial ecosystem. The tree produces oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, giving all living things on earth a chance to live. The tree produces food for living beings in the form of fruits and nuts. Humans also use the tree as a source of fuel, wood, bark, latex, resin, and essential oils.

The tree provides important habitats for animals and plants. It is a habitat for epiphytic plants such as ferns, mosses, Hepatica transsilvanica and orchids. The tree is also a habitat for parasitic plants like mistletoe, but also for other plants like tree lichens, fungi and other organisms. The tree stabilizes the soil, prevents desertification and rapid runoff of rainwater, provides shade and keeps the soil temperature at an acceptable level for life. In the shade of the trees there are usually bushes, litter and rotting wood, which provide habitat for animals and various organisms. Thus, the tree maintains biodiversity and ecological equilibrium. The tree is the king of the earth.

You can see this very easily because it can survive even if all living things on earth disappear, but if all trees disappear, most living things will disappear.

In the digital world, the tree structure is used as an algorithm for storing and accessing documents that are in a database. Spiritual practice consists of meditation, postures and conscious breathing. One of the postures is the one called the tree. Practicing the tree posture leads to mental and physical equilibrium. Another posture is called candle or upside down tree and is considered the queen of all postures because it has very beneficial effects for body and spirit.

The tree structure is fractal and is found in all beings in the universe. It is also found in humans in three forms, the body, the cardiovascular system and the nervous system.

The body is the first tree. The human body is shaped like an upside-down tree. The head represents the root, the trunk represents the trunk of the tree, and the hands and feet represent the branches. The tree is the king of the earth because its roots are in the earth. The root of man is the head, and therefore man has the potential to anchor himself in heaven and thus become the king of heaven. Human beings become the king of heaven by completing the evolutionary process, thereby becoming the master of the two worlds, that is, the master of the material and spiritual worlds.

The cardiovascular system is the second tree. The essential components of the cardiovascular system are the heart, the branches of the blood vessels and the blood. The heart is the root. The largest blood vessels, namely the aorta and vena cava, are the trunk and the branches of the blood vessels are the branches.

The nervous system is the third tree. The main components of the nervous system are the brain, the spinal cord and the peripheral nervous system. The brain is the root. The spinal cord is the trunk, and the peripheral nervous system is the branches.

The tree is a social, complex and intelligent being. Under the earth there are huge root networks in which the roots of one tree are connected to the roots of another. Through these networks, trees exchange nutrients, carbon and water. Through these networks, trees also send chemical, hormonal and electrical signals that allow them to communicate with each other. As a consequence, trees communicate and cooperate with each other.

The tree is one of the greatest artists on this planet. It is itself a work of art of Divinity. All its components, namely root, trunk, branches, leaves, flowers and fruits, are delightful to all human senses. The tree is musical. When the wind blows, its branches move in the wind and its leaves rustle, creating a symphonic, harmonious and pleasant melody. Inside the tree is the music itself. This is why the tree is the most commonly used plant in musical instrument making. The smells coming from the roots, trunks, branches, flowers, fruits and resins of the trees are very pleasant.

.Learn as much as you can about this divine and wonderful being called tree!
.Establish contact with the tree using all your perceptions!
.Establish an energetic connection between you and the tree!
.Embrace, love and understand the tree!

.Be a tree! Be the king of the earth so that you can become the king of heaven!

Author: Mihail Ispan